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Publications from Supported Research 1998-1999
Articles-Refereed Julia G. Bryce Pressure Dependence of Self-Diffusion in the NaA1O2-SiO2 System: Compositional Effects and Mechanisms, American Mineralogist, Vol. 84, No.3, pp. 345-356, March 1999 (with Frank J. Spera, Daniel J. Stein). ICS# 0307-48CM F. J. Davey Seismic Stratigraphy of the Pre-Quaternary Strata off Cape Roberts and their Correlation with Strata Cored in the Ciros-1 Drill Hole, McMurdo Sound, Terra Antarctica, Vol. 5, pp. 273-279, 1998 (with G. Brancolini, Rhea J. Hamilton, Stuart A. Henrys, Christopher C. Sorlien, Louis R. Bartek). ICS# 0343-95TC Rhea J. Hamilton Tectonic Regimes and Structural Trends Off Cape Roberts, Antarctica, Terra Antarctica, Vol. 5, pp. 261-272, 1998 (with Christopher C. Sorlien, Bruce P. Luyendyk, Louis R. Bartek, Stuart A. Henrys). ICS# 0314-90TC Marc J. Kamerling Subsurface Faulting and Folding Onshore and Offshore of Ventura Basin: Three-Dimensional Map Restoration Across the Oak Ridge Fault, In Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) 1998 Annual Meeting Report, pp. 68-69, 1998 (with Christopher C. Sorlien, Craig Nicholson). ICS# 0354-98TC Edward A. Keller Geomorphic Criteria to Determine Direction of Lateral Propagation of Reverse Faulting and Folding, Geology, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 515-518, 4 figures, June 99. ICS# 0334-93TC Raul Madariaga Modeling Dynamic Rupture in a Three-Dimensional Earthquake Fault Model, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 88, pp. 1182-1197 (with Kim B. Olsen, Ralph J. Archuleta). ICS# 0273-65EQ Craig Nicholson Three-Dimensional Subsurface Data of the Ventura Basin: Testing the Reliability of Two-Dimensional Models to Infer Deep Fault Structure in the Western Transverse Ranges, Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 161, 1998 (with David Valentine, Marc J. Kamerling, Tom E. Hopps). ICS# 0353-97TC Frank J. Spera A Slippery Problem with Explosive Consequences, Science, Vol. 283, pp. 1275-1277, 1999. ICS# 0349-50CM David Springer Air Permeability of Porous Materials Under Controlled Laboratory Conditions, Groundwater Journal-Association of Groundwater Scientists and Engineers, Vol. 36, No. 4, 1998 (with Hugo Loaiciga, Stephen Cullen, Lorne Everett). ICS# 0305-65HW Daniel J. Stein A New High-Temperature Rotational Rheometer for Silicate Melts, Magmatic Suspensions and Emulsions, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 69, No. 9, pp. 3398-3402, 1998 (with Frank J. Spera). ICS# 0302-47CM
Articles-Contributed Ralph J. Archuleta Separating the Variability of Ground Motion Observed over Small Distances, The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Vol. I, eds. K. Irikura, H. Okada, T. Sasatani; Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998 (with Gretchen Mullendore, Luis Fabian Bonilla). ICS# 0313-79EQ Ralph J. Archuleta ESG Studies in the United States - Results from Borehole Arrays, The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Vol. I, eds. K. Irikura, H. Okada, T. Sasatani; Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998 (with Jamison H. Steidl). ICS# 0309-75EQ Ralph J. Archuleta Direct Observation of Nonlinearity in Accelerograms, The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Vol. I, eds. K. Irikura, H. Okada, T. Sasatani; Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998. ICS# 0311-77EQ Luis Fabian Bonilla Nonlinear Site Response: Laboratory Modeling as a Constraint for Modeling Accelerograms, The Effects of Surface Geology an Seismic Motion, Vol. I, eds. K. Irikura, H. Okada, T. Sasatani; Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998 (with Daniel Lavallee, Ralph Archuleta). ICS# 0312-78EQ Jamison H. Steidl Observations and Modeling of Ground Motion and Pore Pressure at the Garner Valley, California, Test Site, The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Vol. I, eds. K. Irikura, H. Okada, T. Sasatani; Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998 (with Ralph J. Archuleta, Alexei G. Tumarkin, L. Fabian Bonilla, J.C. Gariel). ICS# 0308-74EQ Alexei G. Tumarkin Site Response Analysis in 3D, The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Vol. I, eds. K. Irikura, H. Okada, T. Sasatani; Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 365-370, 1998. ICS# 0310-76EQ
Book/Book Chapter Michael J. Mann Liquid Extraction Technologies: Soil Washing, Soil Flushing, Solvent/Chemical, Innovative Site Remediation Technology: Design and Application, American Academy of Environmental Engineers; Annapolis, MD, Vol. 3 in Series, 355 pp., 1997 (with Richard J. Ayen, Lorne G. Everett, et al). ICS# 0350-76HW
Book Review/Other David Oglesby Earthquake Dynamics on Dip-Slip Faults, Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1999. ICS# 0340-90EQ
Articles-Refereed (In Press) J. Scott Hornafius The Worlds Most Spectacular Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps (Coal Oil Point, Santa Barbara Channel, California): Quantification of Emissions, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans (with Derek Quigley, Bruce P. Luyendyk). ICS# 0338-94TC Raul Madariaga Criticality of Rupture Dynamics in Three Dimensions, PAGEOPH (with Kim B. Olsen). ICS# 0345-93EQ Kim B. Olsen 3-D Viscoelastic Wave Propagation in the Borrego Valley, California, Constrained by Borehole and Surface Data, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (with R. Nigbor, T. Konno). ICS# 0333-86EQ Christopher C. Sorlien Block Rotation and Termination of the Hosgri fault, California, from Three-Dimensional Map Restoration, Geology (with Marc J. Kamerling, Drew Mayerson). ICS# 0316-91TC Stan Schoofs Chaotic Thermohaline Convection in Low-Porosity Hydrothermal Systems, Earth and Planetary Science Letters (with Frank J. Spera, Uli Hansen). ICS# 0337-49CM Alexei G. Tumarkin Stochastic Simulations Based on Statistics of Strong Ground Motions, The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Vol. III, eds. K. Irikura, H. Okada, T. Sasatani; Balkema, Rotterdam, 1999. ICS# 0332-85EQ
Book/Book Chapter (In Press) Lorne G. Everett (Editor) Groundwater and the Environment, Russian Academy of Sciences Monograph, Lewis Publishers, Tampa, Florida. ICS# 0351-77HW
Technical Report (In Press) Lorne G. Everett (et al) Behavior of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compound Plumes Based on Historical Case Analyses, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, CA. ICS# 0327-75HW
Articles-Refereed (Submitted) Edward A. Keller Tectonic Geomorphology of Active Folding over Buried Reverse Faults: San Emigdio Mountain Front, Southern San Joaquin Valley, California, Geological Society of America Bulletin (with D.B. Seaver, D.L. Laduzinsky, D.L. Johnson, T.L. Ku). ICS# 0304-89TC J. Neuberg Models of Tremor and Low-frequency Earthquake Swarms on Montserrat, Journal of Volcanology & Geothermal Research (with R. Luckett, B. Baptie, Kim B. Olsen). ICS# 0317-81EQ Stefan Nielsen A Mixed Boundary Condition for Rupture Dynamics in Finite Difference Simulations, Geophysical Research Letters (with Kim B. Olsen). ICS# 0329-83EQ Stefan Nielsen The Influence of Friction and Fault Geometry on Earthquake Rupture, Journal of Geophysical Research (with Jean Carlson, Kim B. Olsen). ICS# 0352-97EQ Kim B. Olsen Site Amplification in the Los Angeles Basin from 3D Modeling of Ground Motion, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America . ICS# 0335-87EQ N. M. Shapiro Wave-guide Effects in Subduction Zones: Evidence from Three-Dimensional Modeling, Geophysical Research Letters (with Kim B. Olsen, S. K. Singh). ICS# 0339-89EQ N. M. Shapiro Three-Dimensional Modeling of Trapped Waves in Accretionary Wedges, Geophysical Research Letters (with Kim B. Olsen). ICS# 0356-99EQ Jamison H. Steidl Site Response in Southern California for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. ICS# 0336-88EQ Toshiro Tanimoto Excitation of Normal Modes by Atmospheric Turbulence: Source of Long Period Seismic Noise, Geophysical Journal International . ICS# 0315-80EQ Toshiro Tanimoto The Cause of Continuous Oscillations of the Earth, Journal of Geophysical Research (with Junho Um). ICS# 0341-91EQ
Book/Book Chapter (Submitted) Raul Madariaga Earthquake Dynamics, International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, eds. W. H. K. Lee, H. Kanamori and P. C. Jennings, Chapter 7 (with Kim B. Olsen). ICS# 0355-98EQ Home Page || E-mail |