Institute for Crustal Studies
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Article - Refereed 2004-2005

Assimaki, D., J.H. Steidl.

Attenuation and Velocity Structure for Site Response Analyses Via Downhole Seismogram Inversion.  Pure & Applied Geophysics, Publisher: SpringerLink. ICS# 0691. Submitted.

Avisar, D., J.F. Clark.

Evaluating travel times beneath an artificial recharge pond using sulfur hexafluoride.  Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 11, p. 309-317. ICS# 0683. Submitted.

Barros, A.P., S. Chiao, T.J. Lang, D.W. Burbank, J. Putkonen.

From Weather to Climate-Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Storms and Implications for Erosion Processes in the Himalaya.  Geological Society of America Special Paper 398, Tectonics, Climate, and Landscape Evolution: p. 17-38, doi: 10.1130/2006.2398(02). ICS# 0721. In Press.

Bonilla, L.F., R.J. Archuleta, D. Lavallee.

Hysteretic and Dilant Behavior of Cohesionless Soils and their Effects on Nonlinear Site Response: Field Data Observations and Modeling.  Bulletin of Seismolic Society of America, 95, doi:10.1785/0120040128, 2373-2395, 2005. ICS# 0700. Submitted.

Brewer, I.A., D.W. Burbank, K.V. Hodges.

Downstream development of a detrital cooling- age signal: Insights from 40Ar/ 39Ar muscovite thermochronology in the Nepalese Himalaya.  Special Publication of the Geological Society of America, Paper 398, Penrose Conference Series, p. 321-338, doi: 10.1130/2006.2398(20). ICS# 0632. In Press.

Burbank, D.W.

Cracking in the Himalaya.  Nature( News and Views), v. 434, p. 963-964. ICS# 0716. Submitted.

Clark, J.F., G.B. Hudson, D. Avisar.

Gas transport below artificial recharge ponds: Insights from dissolved noble gases and a dual gas (SF6 and 3He) tracer experiment.  Environmental Science and Technology. ICS# 0682. Submitted.

Donnellan, A., B.P. Luyendyk.

GPS evidence for a coherent Antartic plate and for postglacial rebound in Marie Byrd Land.   Global and Planetary Change, v. 42, P.305-311. ICS# 0710. Published.

Dunham, E.M., R.J. Archuleta.

Near-source Gorund Motion from Steady State Dynamic Rupture Pulses.  Geophysical Research Letters. ICS# 0645. Submitted.

Dykstra, M., B.C. Kneller.

Submarine Landslides and Isostacy: Implications for Deposital Systems, Seismicity, and Climate Change.  Geology. ICS# 0647. Submitted.

Dykstra, M., B. Kneller.

Submarine Landslides and Isostasy: Implications for Depositional Systems, Seismicity, and Climate Change.  Geology. ICS# 0723. Submitted.

Dykstra, M., B. Kneller.

Canyon San Fernando: A Deep-Marine Channel-Levee Complex Exhibiting Evolution From Submarine-Canyon Confined to Unconfined.  Atlas of Deepwater Outcrops, AAPG Special Publication, Tulsa, OK. ICS# 0724. Submitted.

Dykstra, M., B. Kneller.

Quebrada de las Lajas: A High Resolution Record of Deep Water Processes in a Confined Paleovalley.  Atlas of Deepwater Outcrops, AAPG Special Publication, Tulsa, OK. ICS# 0725. Submitted.

Dykstra, M., B. Kneller.

Inclined Heterolithic Stratification in a Deep-Marin Chanel-Levee Complex: Implications for Effective Flow Depth, Sedimentology.  Sedimentology, none. ICS# 0726. Submitted.

Dykstra, M., B. Kneller, J.P. Miliana.

Mass-Transport as a Fundamental Control on Deglacial and Postglacial Sedimentation; the Carboniferous Jejenes Fm., San Juan, Argentina.  GSA Bulletin. ICS# 0727. Submitted.

Gabet, E.J., D.W. Burbank, J. Putkonen, B.A. Pratt-Sitaula, T. Ojha.

Rainfall Thresholds for Landsliding in the Himalayas of Nepal.  Geomorphology, v. 63, p. 131-143. ICS# 0719. Submitted.

Heuze, F., R.J. Archuleta, F. Bonilla, S. Day, M. Doroudian, A. Elgamal, M. Hoehler, T. Lai, D. Lavallee, B. Lawrence, P.C. Liu, A. Martin, L. Matestic, B. Minster, D. Oglesby, S. Park, M. Riemer, J.H. Steidl, F. Vernon, M. Vucetic, J. Wagoner, Z. Yang.

Estimating Stie-Specific Strong Earthquake Motions.  Soil Dynamic Earthquake Engineering, 24,199-223. ICS# 0697. Published.

Lavallee, D., P. Liu, R.J. Archuleta.

Coupling of the Random Properties of the Source and the Ground Motion for the 1999 Chi Chi Earthquake.  Geophysical Research Letter. ICS# 0687. Submitted.

Lavallee, D., R.J. Archuleta, S. Custodio, P. Liu.

Stochastic Model of Heterogenity in Earthquake Slip Spatial distributions.  Geophysical Journal International, 165, 622-640, 2006. ICS# 0688. Submitted.

Lavallee, D., R.J. Archuleta.

Coupling of the random properties of the source and the ground motion for the 1999 Chi Chi earthquake.  Geophysics Resource Letters, 32, L08311, doi: 1029/2004GL022202. ICS# 0699. Published.

Lavallee, D., H. Beltrami.

Stochastic modeling of climatic variability in dendrochronology.  Geophysics Resource Letters, 31 (15), L15202 doi:10.1029/2004GL020263. ICS# 0698. Published.

Lavallee, D., P. Liu, R.J. Archuleta.

Stochastic model of heterogeneity in earthquake slip spatial distributions.  Geophysics Journal International. ICS# 0701. Submitted.

Lavallee, D., R.J. Archuleta.

Stochastic Modeling of Earthquake Slip Spatial Heterogeneities and Its Consequences for Ground Motion.  Pure Application of Geophysics. ICS# 0702. Submitted.

Lavallee, D., L.F. Bonilla, R.J. Archuleta.

Hysteresis model for nonlinear soil uder Irregular cyclic loadings: Introducing the Generalized Masing Rules.  Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. ICS# 0703. Submitted.

Leifer, I., J.R. Boles, B.P. Luyendyk, J.F. Clark.

Transient discharges from marine hydrocarbon seeps: spatial and temporal variability.  Environmental Geology, 46, 1038-1052 DOI 10.1007/s00254-004-1091-3. ICS# 0712. Published.

Luyendyk, B.P., J.P. Kennett, J.F. Clark.

Hypothesis for Increased Atmospheric Methane Input from Hydrocarbon Seeps on Exposed Continental Shelves during Glacial Low Sea Level.  Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22 (40), p. 591-596. ICS# 0713. Published.

Pratt-Sitaula, B.A., M. Garde, D.W. Burbank, M. Oskin, A. Heimsath, E. Gabet.

Bedload ratio, regional erosion rate, and rapid bedrock incision from Himalayan landslid-dam lake record.  Quanternary Research. ICS# 0728. Submitted.

Sarna-Wojcicki, A.M., M.C. Reheis, M.S. Pringle, R.J. Fleck, D.W. Burbank, C.E. Meyer, J.L. Slate, E. Wan, J.R. Budahn, B. Troxel, J.P. Walker.

Tephra layers of Blind Sping Valley and related upper Pliocene and Pleistocene tephra layers, California, Nevada, and Utah: isotopic ages, correlation, and magnetostratigraphy.  United States Geological Survey Professional Paper, 1701, pp. 63. ICS# 0717. Submitted.

Scharer, K.M., D.W. Burbank, J. Chen, R.J. Weldon, C. Rubin, R. Zhao, J. Shen.

Detachment folding in the Southwestern Tian Shan- Tarim foreland, China: Shortening of estimates and rates.  Journal of Strutural Geology, v. 26, p. 2119-2137. ICS# 0718. Published.

Siddoway, C.S., S.L. Baldwin, P.G. Fitzgerald, C.M. Fanning, B.P. Luyendyk.

Ross sea mylonites and the timing of continental extension between East and West Antartica.  Geology, 32 (1), 57-60. ICS# 0709. Published.

Siddoway, C.S., S. Richard, C.M. Fanning, B.P. Luyendyk.

Origin and emplacement mechanisms for a midde Cretaceous gneissdome, Fosdick Monuntans, West Antarctica, In Whitney, D.L. Yessier, C.T. and Siddoway, C., eds., Gneiss domes in orogeny.  GSA Bulletin, GSA Special Paper 380, Chapter 16, p. 267-294. ICS# 0711. Published.

Tsuda, K., R.J. Archuleta, K. Koketsu.

Quantifying Spatial Distribution of Site Response by Use of the Yokohama High-Density Strong Motion Network.  Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 96, p926-942. ICS# 0644. Submitted.

Tsuda, K., J.H. Steidl, R.J. Archuleta, D. Assimaki.

Site Response Estimation for 2003 Miyagi-Oki Earthquake Sequence Considering Nonlinear Site Response.  Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, vol 96, 1474-1482. ICS# 0694. Submitted.

Article - Contributed 2004-2005

Assimaki, D., J.H. Steidl.

Velocity and Attenuation Inversion in Downhole Arrays Via a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm.  11th IACMAG Conference, Torino, Italy June 19-24 2005. ICS# 0690. Submitted.

Clark, J.F., G.B. Hudson.

Excess Air: A New Tracer for Artificially Recharged Surface Water.  5th International Symposium on Aritificial Recharge Conference. ICS# 0692. Submitted.

Fowler, S., W.A. Bohrson, F.J. Spera.

Magmatic Evolution of the Skye Igneous Centre, Western Scotland: Modelling of Assimilation, Recharge and Fractional Crystallization.  Journal of Petrology, 45 (12) p.2481-2505. ICS# 0722. Published.

Wilson, D.S., B.P. Luyendyk.

Bedrock Plateus within the Ross Embayment and beneath the West ANtarctic Ice Sheet, formed by marine erosion in Late Tertiary Time.  9th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science. ICS# 0646. In Press.

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