PublicationsArticle - Refereed 2002-2003An astronomical polarity timescale for the late middle Miocene based on cyclic continental sequences. J. Geophys. Res, 108, B3 2159. ICS# 0585. Published. On the Effects of Non-Planar Geometry for Blind Thrust Faults on Strong Ground Motion. Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH). ICS# 0555. Submitted. Finite-fault site-specific acceleration time histories that included nonlinear soil response. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 137, 153-181. ICS# 0575. Published. The evolution and diversification of life. In: Sullivan, W. and Baross, J., Eds., Planets and Life: The Emerging Field of Astrobiology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ICS# 0596. Published. Energy-constrained open-system magmatic processes IV: Geochemical, thermal and mass consequences of energy-constrained recharge, assimilation and fractional crystalization. Geochem Geophy Geosy 4: Art. No. 8002 Feb 12, 2003. ICS# 0565. Published. Insights into magmatic differentiation: Energy constrained open-system processes. Geochim Cosmochim AC 66(15A) A88-A88 Suppl. 1 Aug 02. ICS# 0568. Published. Energy-contrained open-system magmatic processes I: General model and energy-constrained assimilation and fractional crystallization(EC-AFC) formulation. J Petrol 42 (5) 999-1018 May 2001. ICS# 0573. Published. Energy-Contrained open-system magmatic processes II: Application of energy-constrained assimilation-fractional crystallization (EC-AFC) model to magmatic systems. J Petrol 42 (5) 1019-1041 May 2001. ICS# 0574. Published. Experimental modeling of the spatial distribution of grain-size developed in a fill and spill mini-basin setting. Journal of Sedimentary Research. ICS# 0590. Published. Late Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the northwestern Tien Shan: Constraints from magnetostratigraphy, detrital fission track, and basin analysis. Geological Society of America Bullitin, v. 113, no. 112, p. 1544-1559. ICS# 0489. Published. Rates of erosion and their implications for exhumation. Mineral magazine, v. 66(1), pp.1544-1559. ICS# 0490. Published. Compositional changes in natural gas bubble plumes:Observations from the Coal Oil Point Seep Field. Geo-Marine Letters. ICS# 0553. Submitted. Application of geochemical techniques for flow characterization near artificial recharge operations. 11th Biennial Symposium on the Groundwater Recharge - Conference Proceeding. ICS# 0600. Published. Geochemical Imaging of flow and transport down gradient from an artifical recharge facility, Orange County, CA. Ground Water. ICS# 0603. Published. Proterozoic-Cambrian of the southern Death Valley region: Microbialites, carbonate depositional environments, and Neoproterzoic glacial strata. in: Corsetti, F.A, Ed, Proterizoic-Cambrian of the Great Basin and Beyond. Pacific SEction of the Society of Economic Paleotoloists and Mineralologists, 93-. ICS# 0594. Published. A complex microbiota from snowball Earth times: Microfossils from the Neoproterozoic Kingston Peak Formation, Death Valley USA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 100(8)4399-4404. ICS# 0595. Published. New contraints on the pyroclastic eruptive history of the Companian volcanic Plain (Italy). Miner Petrol 73 (1-3)47-65 2001. ICS# 0570. Published. GPS Evidence for a Coherent Antarctic Plate and for Postglacial Rebound in Marie Byrd Land. Global and Planetary Change. ICS# 0558. In Press. Direct seismic energy modeling and application to the Imperial valley 1979 earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters. ICS# 0552. Submitted. Processes affecting the trihalomethane concentrations associated with the third injection, storage, and recovery test at Lancaster, Antelope Valley, CA March 1998. USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 03-4062 72p. ICS# 0602. Published. Pacific-plate gravity lineaments: diffuse extension or thermal contraction?. Geochem Geophy Geosyst 4, 9, 1074. ICS# 0587. Published. A multibeam-sonar, magnetic and geochemical flow-line survey at 14 degrees 14\\\' S on the sourthern East Pacific Rise: insights into the fourth dimension of. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 109, 359-372, 2002. ICS# 0584. Published. Seismic Structure of 15 Ma Oceanic Crust formed at an Ultra-fast Spreading East Pacific Rise: Evidence for Kilometer-scale Fracturing from Dipping Reflac. J. Geophys. Res May 2003. ICS# 0588. Published. Turbidites. Middleton (ed) Encyclopeia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks. Kluwer. ICS# 0591. Published. The Influence of flow parameters on turbidite slope channel architecture. Marine and Petroleum Geology. ICS# 0592. Published. Stochastic modeling of slip spatial complexities for the 1979 Imperial Valley, California, earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters (GRL). ICS# 0554. Submitted. A novel method for finite fault inversion: Application to 1989 Loma Prieta,California earthquake. J. Geophys. Res. ICS# 0576. Published. Hybrid modeling of elastic P-SV wave motion: A combined finite-element and finite-difference approach. Bull. Seis. Soc. Am.. ICS# 0577. Published. Pictoral aids for learning by doing in a multimedia geology simulation game. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 171-183. ICS# 0580. Published. Glass transition, structural relaxation, and theories of viscosity: A molecular dynamics study of amorphous CaAl2Si2O8. Geochim Cosmochim AC 65(21) 4019-4041 Nov 01. ICS# 0571. Published. Cenozoic volcanism and tectonics of the continental margins of the Upper Delfin basin, northeastern Baja California and western. Kimbrough, D.L., Johnson, S.E., Paterson, S. Martin-Baraja, A., Fletcher, J.M/. and Girty, J., eds. in Tectonic evolution of northwestern Mexico and the southwester UCSb. ICS# 0562. Published. Marine incursion synchronous with plate-boundary localization in the Gulf of California. Geology,v. 31, p.23-26. ICS# 0561. Published. Pacific-North American plate motion adn opening of the Upper Delfin basin, northern Gulf of California. Geological Society of America Bulletin. ICS# 0563. Published. Large magnitude transient strain accumulation on the Blackwater fault, Eastern California Shear Zone. Geology. ICS# 0564. Published. Fault-related fold growth and isostatic subsidence, California Channel Islands. American Journal of Science, v.303, p.200-318. ICS# 0578. Published. Impulsive alluviation during early Holocene strengthened monsoons, central Nepal Himalaya. Geology, 30 (10): 911-914. ICS# 0582. Published. Climate implications of modern and paleo ELA\'s in the central Nepal Himalaya. Eos Transactions AGU, pp. F319. ICS# 0598. Published. Landscape disequilibrium on 1,000-10,000 year scales, Marsyandi River, Nepal, Central Himalaya. Geomorphology. ICS# 0583. Published. Shallow groundwater influence on stream hydrochemistry in a small Sierra Nevada catchment, Sagehen Creek, California. Water Resources Research. ICS# 0604. Published. Transition to chaos and flow dynamics of thermochemical porous medium convection. Transport Porous Med 50 (1-2) 179-195 Jan 03. ICS# 0567. Published. Energy-constrained open-system magmatic processes 3: Energy-constrained recharge, assimilation, and fractional crystallization. Geochem Geophy Geosy 3: Art. No. 8001 Dec 17, 2002. ICS# 0566. Published. A molecular dynamics study of the glass transition in CaAl2Si2O8: Thermodynamics and tracer diffusion. Am Mineral 86(7-8)915-926 Jul-Aug 2001. ICS# 0572. Published. Shear viscosity of rhyolite-vapor emulsions at magmaic temperatures by concentric cylinder rheometry. J Volvanol Geoth Res 113 (1-2):243-258 Mar 15 2002. ICS# 0569. Published. Rhynchosaurs, teeth, and time: new and revised character states from comparative morphology. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 23(3). ICS# 0559. Published. Rhynchosaurs and Late Triassic tetrapod biochronology. PaleoBios, 23(1):6-7. ICS# 0560. Published. Magnetostratigraphy of the Eldorado Mountains volcanic complex and the calibration of the early to middle Mioscene polarity time scale. Geophys Res. Lett., 30, 12, 1635. ICS# 0586. Published. The Gaoyuzhuang Paleobiology. Acta Botanica Sinica 44(5) 617-627. ICS# 0593. Published. Article - Contributed 2002-2003Implications of distributed crustal deformation for exhumation in a portion of a transpressional plate boundary, Western Transverse Ranges, southern California. Quaternary International. ICS# 0550. Submitted. Editor of a volume 2002-2003A gas tracer study in the El Rio spreading ponds, Ventura County, California. 11th Biennial Symposium on the Groundwater Recharge - Conference Proceeding. ICS# 0601. Published. The Eastern Margin of the Ross Sea Rift in Western Marie Byrd Land, Antartica: Crustal Structure and Tectonic Development,. Geochem Geophy Geosyst. ICS# 0589. Published. The Three-Dimensional Dynamics of a Non-Planar Thrust Fault. . ICS# 0557. Submitted. On the Estimation of Dynamic Rupture Parameters. Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH). ICS# 0556. Submitted. Uplift and subsidence from the oblique slip: The Ganos-Marmara bend of the north Anatolian transform, western Turkey. Tectonophysics. ICS# 0579. Published. Applying argumentation analysis to assess the quality of university oceanography students' scientific writing. Journal of Geoscience Education, 50, 40-48. ICS# 0581. Published. Book/Book Chapter 2002-2003Techtonic Geomorphology. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, 274pp.. ICS# 0509. Submitted. Unknown Type 2002-2003Rhetorical features of student science writing in introductory university oceanography. Proceedings of the Ontological, Epistemological, Linguistic and Pedagogical Considerations of Language and Science Literacy: Empowering Reserach and Informting. ICS# 0599. Published. Preliminary Report: An in Situ Section of Upper Oceanic Crust Formed by Superfast Seaflor Spreading. ICS# 0597. Published. 57 database entries found |