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PublicationsArticle - Refereed 2001-2002Onset, style and current deformation rate of shortening in the central Tien Shen, Kyrgyz Republic. Russian Geology and Geophysics. Vol 42, p. 1585-1609. ICS# 0491. Published. The wet Nicaraguan slab. Geophysical Research Letters. ICS# 0534. In Press. Finite-Fault Site-Specific Acceleration time Histories That Include Nonlinear Soil Response. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. ICS# 0540. In Press. Geomorphic indicators of active fold growth: South Mountain - Oak Ridge anticline, Ventura basin, Southern California. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 114, p. 745-753. ICS# 0513. Published. Extension in central Tibet since last 113.5 Myr. Nature, v. 412, p. 628-632, published. ICS# 0482. Published. Borehole Response Studies at the Garner valley Downhole Array, Southern California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. ICS# 0424. In Press. Building the Tien Shan: Integrated thermal, structural, and topographic constraints. Journal of Geology. ICS# 0456. Submitted. A re-interpretation of a classical turbidite locality at San Clemente State Beach, California. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, Vol. 86, p. 1543-1560. ICS# 0486. Published. Multifractal properties of evolving convective systems over tropical South America. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(15), 10.1029/2001GLO14276, 33.1-33.4. ICS# 0539. Published. Magnetostratigraphy of the Uppr Cenozoic strata in the southwestern Chinese Tian Shan: rates of Pleistocene folding and thrusting. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 195, p. 113-130. ICS# 0520. Published. Late Cenozoic Tectonics and Seismicity in the Southwestern Tian Shan, China. Earthquake Research in China (Chinese with English Abstract), v. 17, P. 134-155. ICS# 0551. Published. Geochemical Imaging of flow and transport down gradient from an artificial recharge facility, Orange County, CA. Ground Water. ICS# 0517. Submitted. River response to an active fold-and-thrust belt in a convergent margin setting, North Island, New Zealand. Geoporphology, 28pp. ICS# 0521. In Press. A Condition for Super-shear Rupture Prropagation in a Heterogeneous Stress Field. PAGEOPH - Pure and Applied Geophysics, 157, 2047-2056. ICS# 0423. Published. Accuracy of the Explicit Planar Free-Surface Boundry Condition Implemented in a Fourth-Order Staggered-Grid Velocity-Stress Finite-Difference Scheme. Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 91, 617-623. ICS# 0376. Published. When did the ultrahigh-pressure rocks reach the surface? A 207/Pb/206Pb zircon, 40Ar/39Ar white mica, Si-in-Phengite single grain study of Dabie Shan synorogenic foreland sedimentation. Chemical Geology. ICS# 0532. Submitted. Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic history of the sourthern Tan-Lu fault zones: Apatite fission-track and structural constraints for the Dabis Shan (eastern China). . ICS# 0538. In Press. Ar/Ar geochronology of diamond-bearing metasedimentary rocks from the Kokchetav massif. in Parkisnon, C.d et al. (ed), Diamond Bearing Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Terrane: the Kokchtev massif on northern Kazakhstan. University Academic Press. ICS# 0535. In Press. Exhumation of high-pressure rocks beneath the Solund Basin, Western Gneiss region of Norway. Journal of Metamorphic Geology. ICS# 0536. In Press. Cenozoic tectonics of the Cape Roberts Rift Basin and Transantartic Mountains Front, Southwestern Ross Sea, Antartica. Tectonics, Vol. 20, No. 3, pages 325-342, June 2001. ICS# 0413. Published. Estimating Site-Specific Strong Earthquake Motions. Social Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering. ICS# 0543. Submitted. Thermal convection in the mantle wedge beneath subduction-related magmatic arch. American Geophysical Union Monograph. ICS# 0533. In Press. A Depositional Record of Deglaciation in a Paleofojord (Late Carboniferous of San Juan Province, Argentina); The Role of Catastrophic Sedimentation. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. ICS# 0527. In Press. The interpretation of vertical sequences in turbidite beds. The influence on longitudinal flow structure. Journal of Sedimentary Research. ICS# 0526. In Press. Efficient Methods to Simulate Planar Free Surface in the 3D 4th-order Staggered-grid Finite-difference Schemes. Studia geophysica et geodaetica. ICS# 0514. Submitted. Hysteresis model for nonlinear soil under Irregular cyclic loadings: intoducing the Generalized Masing Rules. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. ICS# 0541. Submitted. Structural and tectonic evolution of the Ross Sea rift in the Cape COlbeck region, Eastern Ross, Antarctica. Tectonics, Vol. 20, No. 6, page 933-958, December 2001. ICS# 0412. Published. Earthquake dynamics, International Handbook of Seismology and Physics of the Earth\'s Interior, Part II. Theoretical Seismology., Academic Press, v.12, p. 175-194. ICS# 0378. Published. On the Implementation of Perfectly Matched Layers in a 3D Fourth-Order Velocity-Stress Finite-Difference Scheme. SIAM. ICS# 0512. Submitted. Convergence, block rotation, and structural interference across the Peninuslar-Transcerse Ranges Boundary, eastern Santa Monica Mountains, California. Geological Society of America special volume in honor of Perry L. Ehlig. ICS# 0546. In Press. Stress-breakdown time and critical weakening slip inferred from the source time functions on earthquake faults. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. ICS# 0498. Submitted. A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Glass Transition in CaA12Si2O8: Thermodynamics and Tracer Diffusion. American Mineralogist, 2001 Jul-Aug, v89 N7-8:915-926. ICS# 0373. Published. Estimation of Q for long-period ( >2 s) waves in the Los Angeles Basin. Bulletin of Seismological Society of America. ICS# 0511. Submitted. Three-dimensional ground motion simulations for large earthquakes on the San Andreas fault with dynamic and obsevational constraints. Jour. Comp. Acoust. 9, No 3, 1203-1215. ICS# 0375. Published. Rapid localization of Pacific-North America plate motion is the Gulf of California. Geology, v. 29, no. 5, p. 459-462. ICS# 0544. Published. Active parasitic folds on the Elysian Park anticline: Implications for seismic hazard in central Los Angeles, California. Geolocial Society of America, v. 112, no. 5, p. 693-707. ICS# 0545. Published. Miocene to Recent Pacific-North America plate motion and opening of the Upper Delfin basin, northern Gulf of California, Mexico. Geological Society of America. ICS# 0547. Submitted. Cenozoic volcanism and sedimentation on the contineltal margins of the Upper Delfin basin, northeastern Baja Calfornia and western Sonora, Mexico. Geological Society of America special volume in honor of R.G. Gastil. ICS# 0548. Submitted. Marine incursion synchronous with palate boundry localization in the Gulf of California. Geology. ICS# 0549. Submitted. Impulsive alluviation during Early Holocene strengthened monsoons, Central Nepal Himalaya. Geology. ICS# 0522. In Press. Regional wavefield reconstruction for teleseismic-P-waves and surface waves. Geophysical Research Letters,V29, P391-394, 2002. ICS# 0429. Published. Tectonics of the Quinling (central China): Tectonostratigraphy, geochronology, and deformation kinematics. Tectonophysics. ICS# 0537. In Press. Prolific Deep Marine Slope channels of the Nile Delta, Egypt. American Association of Petroleum Geologists bulletin. ICS# 0529. In Press. Fault zone amplified waves as a possible seismic hazard along the Calaveras fault in central California. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 2533-2536. ICS# 0377. Published. Faulting and Effects of Associated Shaking at Pisgah Crater Volcano caused by the 10 October 1999 Hector Mine Earthquake (Mw7.1), Central Mojave Desert, California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America Vol. 92., No. 4, pp. 1333-1340, May 2002. ICS# 0422. Published. Tectonic signatures in coseismic gravitational energy change. Geophys. J. Int. V. 149, p. 490-498. 2002. ICS# 0516. Published. Three-dimesional S-wave velocity structure in Southern California. Geophysical Research Letters, v.29, 641-644, 2002. ICS# 0430. Published. Continuous Free Oscillations: Atmosphere-Solid Earth Coupling. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Vol. 29, p563-584, 2001. ICS# 0367. Published. Muultifractal Anisotropic scaling of the Hydraulic Conductivity. Water Resources Research. ICS# 0542. Submitted. Metamorphism nd exhumation of the NW Himalaya constrained by U-Th-Pb analyses of detrital monazite grains from early foreland basin sediments. Journal of the Geological Society of London, v.158, p.625-635. ICS# 0488. Published. Article - Contributed 2001-2002The Influence of turbidity current flow efficiency upon deposit geometry: implication for sand body architecture in confined basins. Geological Society of London Special Publication In Lomas, S. & Joseph, P. (eds) Confined turbidite systems. ICS# 0524. In Press. The influence of a lateral basin-slope upon the depositional patterns of natural and experimental turbidity currents. Geological Society of London Special Edition In Lomas, S. & Joseph, P. (eds) Confined turbidite systems. ICS# 0525. In Press. New Observations and Methods for Modeling Nonlinear Site Response. Proceeding of the Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil, March 26-31, 2001, Reference Paper No.3.13. ICS# 0499. Published. DNAPL Characterization Methods and Approaches Cost Comparisons. National Groundwater Association, Journal of Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation, Sept. 2001. ICS# 0450. Published. Long Term Institutional and Regulatory Policy Issues Related to the Vadose Zone. Waste Management Conference, Feb. 25-Mar. 1, 2001, Tucson, AZ. ICS# 0449. Published. The influence of flow parameters on turbidite slope channel architecture. Marine and Petroleum Geology. ICS# 0523. Submitted. Large-sccale basement-involved landslides, California Continental Borderland. Proceedings of the Workshop on the perdiction of underwater landlslide and slump occurance and tsunami hazards off of Southern California Watts, P editor to be published by Balkema. ICS# 0371. In Press. Scale effects on non-uniformity on deposition from turbidity currents with reference to the Gres d, Annot of SE France. Geological Society of London Special Publication. In Lomas, S. and Joseph, P. (eds) confined turbidite systems.. ICS# 0528. In Press. Particulate gravity currents: perspectives. In Sediment transport and deposition by particulate gravity currents. IAS Special Publication v. 31, p. 1-8. ICS# 0530. Published. Book/Book Chapter 2001-2002Techtonic Geomorphology. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, 274pp.. ICS# 0509. Published. Tectonics of Ridge Basin, Southern California. Evolution of Ridge Basin, Southern California: An Interplay of Sedimentation and Tectonics: Geological Society of America Memoir. ICS# 0428. In Press. Overview of rocks bodering Ridge Basin, Southern California. Evolution of Ridge Basin, Southern California: An Interplay of Sedimentation and Tectonics: Geological Society of America Memoir. ICS# 0427. In Press. Introduction to Geology of Ridge Basin, Southern California. Evolution of Ridge Basin, Southern California: An Interplay of Sedimentation and Tectonics: Geological Society of America Memoir. ICS# 0426. In Press. Technical Paper/Abstract 2001-2002Variation in Discharge from Marine Hydrocarbon Seeps at Coal Oil Point, CA: Implications for Offshore Oil Production. Institute for Crustal Studies, UCSB. ICS# 0418. Published. |