Publications from Supported Research
Jordan F. Clark
Dissolved hydrocarbon flux from natural marine seeps to the southern
California Bight, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 105,
No. 11, pp. 509-511, 2000 (with Libe Washburn, Bruce P. Luyendyk,
Scott Hornafius). ICS# 0299-29CS
Y. Dilek
Structure and Petrology of Tauride Ophiolites and Mafic Dike Intrusions
(Turkey): Implications for the neo-Tethyan Ocean, Geological Society
of America Bulletin, Vol. 111, pp. 1192-1216, 1999 (with P. Thy,
B.R. Hacker, S. Grundvig). ICS# 387-105TC
Edward A. Keller
Tectonic geomorphology of active folding over buried reverse faults:
San Emigdio Mountain front, southern San Joaquin Valley, California,
Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 112, pp.86-97, 2000
(with D.L. Johnson, D.L. Laduzinsky, D.B. Seaver, T.L. Ku). ICS#
J.G. Liou
Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphism in the forbidden zone, Science,
Vol. 287, pp. 1215-1216, 2000 (with B.R. Hacker, R.Y. Zhang).
ICS# 397-115TC
J. Neuberg
Models of tremor and low-requency earthquake swarms on Motserrat,
Journal of Volcanic and Geothermic Research, Vol. 101, pp. 83-104,
2000 (with R. Luckett, B. Baptie, K.B. Olsen). ICS# 0317-81EQ
Stephan Nielsen
The influence of friction and fault geometry on earthquake rupture,
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 105, No. B3, pp. 6069 (with
J. Carlson, K.B. Olsen). ICS# 0352-97EQ
David D. Oglesby
The Three-Dimensional Dynamics of dipping Faults, Bulletin of
the Seismological Society of America, 90, 3, pp.616-628, June 2000
( with Ralph J. Archuleta, Stefan B. Nielsen). ICS# 420-124EQ
David D. Oglesby
Dynamics of dip-slip faulting: Explorations in two dimesions, Journal
of Geophysical Research, Vol. 105, No. B6, pages 13,643-13,653,
June 10, 2000 ( with Ralph J. Archuleta). ICS# 421-125EQ
Kim B. Olsen
3-D Viscoelastic Wave Propogation in the Borrego Valley, California,
Constrained by Borehole and Surface Data, Bulletin of the Seismological
Society of America, Vol. 90, pp. 134-150, 2000 (with R. Nigbor,
T. Konno). ICS# 0333-86EQ
L. Seeber
Listric thrusts in the western Transverse Ranges, California,
Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 112, pp. 1067-1079,
2000 (with C.C. Sorlien). ICS# 0251-67TC
J.C. Shao
Spherical Harmonic analysis of Paleomagnetic Data: The time-averaged
geomagnetic field for the past 5 Myr and the Matuyama-Brunhes Reversal,
Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 104, pp. 5015-5030, 1999
(with M. Fuller, T. Tanimoto, J.R. Dunn, D.B. Stone). ICS# 383-103TC
N.M. Shapiro
Wave-guide effects in subduction zones: evidence from theree-dimensional
modeling, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 27, pp. 433-436,
2000 (with K.B. Olsen, S.K. Singh). ICS# 0339-89EQ
Christopher Sorlien
Map restoration of folded and faulted late Cenozoic strata across
the Oak Ridge fault, onshore and offshore Ventura Basin, California,
Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 112, pp. 1080-1090,
2000 (with J.P. Gratier, B.P. Luyendyk, J.S. Hornafius, T.E. Hopps).
ICS# 0257-69TC
Toshiro Tanimoto
Excitation of Normal Modes by Atmospheric Turbulence: Source of
Long Period Noise, Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 136,
pp. 395-402, 1999. ICS# 381-119EQ
Toshiro Tanimoto
Change of crustal potential energy by earthquakes: an indicator
for extensional and compressionable tectonics, Geophysical Research
Letters, Vol. 27, pp. 2313-2316, 2000 (with T. Okamoto).
ICS# 0366-99TC
L.E. Webb
Tectonics of high and ultrahigh-pressure rocks in the Qinling-Dabie
orogen: 40Ar/39Ar thermochronologic constraints on defomation and cooling
history, Tectonics, Vol. 18, pp. 621-638, 1999 (with B.R.
Hacker, L. Ratschbacher, S. Dong). ICS# 388-106TC
Ralph J. Archuleta
Nonlinear Site Response Using Generalized
Masing Rules Coupled with Pore Pressure, Proceedings of the OECD-NRC
Workshop on Engineering Characterization of Seismic Input, Vol.
32 (with L.F. Bonilla, D. Lavallee). ICS# 419-123EQ
Kim B. Olsen
3-D Visco-elastic Wave Propagation in Borrego Valley, California,
Proceedings for the 12th World Conference for Earthquake
Engineering, Auckland New Zealand 2000 (with R. Nigbor, T. Konno).
ICS# 0346-94EQ
Jamie H. Steidl
Observations and Modeling of Ground Motion at the Garner Valley,
California, Test Site, Workshop on the Engineering Characterization
of Seismic Input, Nov. 15-17, 1999, Upton, NY (with R.J. Archuleta,
L.F. Bonilla). ICS# 0359-102EQ
Toshiro Tanimoto
Ringing Earth Bell (Js Bell without Earthquakes (in Japanese)),
Parity, April Issue, 1999. ICS# 382-120EQ
Alexi Tumarkin
Stochastic Simulations Based on Statistics of Strong Ground Motions,
The Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion, Vol. III, eds.
K. Irikura, H. Okada, T. Sasatani; Balkema, Rotterdam, 1999. ICS# 0332-85EQ
G.A. Abers
Cool subducted crust at depths greater than 100 km: low seismic
velocities, mineralogy, and thermal structure, Eos, Transactions
American Geophysical Union, Vol. 80, 1999 (with S. Peacock, B.R.
Hacker). ICS# 402-120TC
Bradley R. Hacker
Phase Transformations and the Buoyancy, Seismicity, and H2O Contents
of Subduction Zones, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union,
Vol. 81, 2000 (with G.A. Abers, S.M. Peacock). ICS# 410-128TC
Bradley R. Hacker
Exhumation of Norwegian UHP eclogites: IL Plutonism and extension
beneath the Solund basin, Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, Vol. 32, 2000 (with T.B. Andersen, A.M. Vasquez,
D.B. Root, J.M. Mattinson). ICS# 407-125TC
Bradley R. Hacker
Xenoliths reveal a high-temperature, anhydrous, heterogeneous lower
crust beneath central Tibet, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical
Union, Vol. 80, 1999 (with E. Gnos, M. Grove, M.O. McWilliams).
ICS# 404-122TC
Bradley R. Hacker
Xenoliths reveal a high-temperature, anhydrous, pelitic lower crust
beneath central Tibet, Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, Vol. 31, 1999 (with E. Gnos, M.O. McWilliams, M. Grove,
Indepth III Geologic Team). ICS# 401-119TC
Jeffrey Lee
Contraction and Extension in southern Tibet: Structural, Petrologic,
and Thermochronologic Constraints From the North Himalayan Gneiss Domes,
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, Vol. 80, 1999 (with
B.R. Hacker, W.S. Dinklage, W.Y. Wang, P. Gans, A. Calvert, J. Wan,
W. Chen). ICS# 405-123TC
Marc J. Kamerling
Quaternary slip and geometry of the Red Mountain and Pitas Point-North
Channel faults, California, Supplement to Eos, Transactions American
Geophysical Union, Vol. 80, pp. F1003, 1999 (with C.C. Sorlien).
ICS# 417-135TC
Craig Nicholson
Re-evaluation of fault slip, geodetic strain, and seismic hazard
studies in the light of active subsidence, compaction, and footwall
deformation, Seismologic Research Letters, Vol. 71, No. 1, pp.
256, 2000 (with C.C. Sorlien, M.J. Kamerling, J.P. Gratier, L. Seeber).
ICS# 416-134TC
D.B. Root
Exhumation of Norwegian UHP eclogites: II. Expansion of the UHP
terrane and U/Pb zircon ages of synorogenic plutonic rocks, Eos,
Transactions American Geophysical Union, Vol. 81, 2000 (with B.R.
Hacker, J.M. Mattinson). ICS# 411-129TC
D.B. Root
Exhumation of Norwegian UHP eclogites: III. Expansion of the UHP
terrane and U/Pb zircon ages of synorogenic plutonic rocks, Geological
Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 32, 2000 (with
B.R. Hacker, J.M. Mattinson). ICS# 408-126TC
B. Siwen
Timing of Late Neogen Extension in Central Tibet, Eos, Transactions
American Geophysical Union, Vol. 80, pp. F1015, 1999 (with P.M.
Blisniuk, B.R. Hacker, J. Glodny, R. Ryerson, L. Ratschbacher).
ICS# 403-121TC
Christopher C. Sorlien
Late Quaternary Coastal Terraces and Lowstand Deltas Record Southward
Migration of the Northern Channel Islands Anticline, California,
Supplement to Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, Vol.
81 (with N. Pinter, M.J. Kamerling, A.T. Scott). ICS# 415-133TC
Christopher C. Sorlien
Rapid subsidence, the offshore Santa Monica (Dume) fault, and the
Santa Monica Mountains blind thrust, Southern California Earthquake
Center and Abstracts, pp. 86 (with N. Pinter, L. Seeber).
E.O. Walsh
Exhumation of Norwegian UHP eclogites: I. Foreland to hinterland
regional variation in pressure-temperature-deformation histories of
the Norwegian UHP-HP terrane, Eos, Transactions American Geophysical
Union, Vol. 81, 2000 (with B.R. Hacker). ICS# 409-127TC
E.O. Walsh
Exhumation of Norwegian UHP eclogites: I. Foreland to hinterland
regional variation in pressure-temperature-deformation histories of
the Norwegian UHP-HP terrane, Geological Society of America Abstracts
with Programs, Vol. 32, 2000 (with B.R. Hacker). ICS# 406-124TC
Technical Reports
Ralph J. Archuleta
Engineering Insights from Data Recorded on Vertical Arrays, Proceedings
for the 12th World Conference for Earthquake Engineering,
Auckland New Zealand 2000 (with J.H. Steidl, L.F. Bonilla).
ICS# 0347-95EQ
Ralph J. Archuleta
Nonlinearity in Observed and Computed Accelerograms, Proceedings
for the 12th World Conference for Earthquake Engineering,
Auckland New Zealand 2000 (with L.F. Bonilla, D. Lavallee).
ICS# 0348-96EQ
Articles-Refereed (In Press)
F.J. Davey
A revised correlation of the seismic stratigraphy at the Cape Roberts
drill sites with the seismic stratigraphy of the Victoria Land basin,
Terra Antartica (with G. Brancolini, R.J. Hamilton, S.A. Henrys,
C.C. Sorlien, L.R. Bartek). ICS# 414-132TC
Bradley R. Hacker
Hot and dry lower crustal xenoliths from Tibet, Science (with
E. Gnos, L. Ratschbacher, M. Grove, M.O. McWilliams, S.V.
Sobolev, J. Wan, Z. Wu). ICS# 393-111TC
Bradley R. Hacker
Exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure rocks in east-central China: Late
Triassic-Early Jurassic tectonic unroofing, Journal of Geophysical
Research (with L. Ratschbacher, L.E. Webb, M.O. McWilliams, A.
Calvert, S. Dong, H.R. Wenk, D. Chateigner). ICS# 394-112TC
Jeffrey Lee
Evolution of the Kangmar Dome, southern Tibet: Structural, petrologic,
and thermochronologic constraints, Tectonics (with B.R. Hacker,
W.S. Dinklage, P.B. Gans, A. Calvert, Y. Wang, J. Wan, W. Chen).
ICS# 395-113TC
L. Ratschbacher
Exhumation of the ultrahigh-pressure continental crust in east-central
China: Cretaceous and Cenozoic unroofing and the Tan-Lu Fault, Journal
of Geophysical Research (with B.R. Hacker, A. Calvert, L.E. Webb,
T.R. Ireland, M.O. McWilliams, S. Dong, H.R. Wenk). ICS# 396-114TC
M. Searle
The Hindu Kush seismic zone as a paradigm for the creation of ultrahigh-pressure
diamond and coesite-bearing rocks, Journal of Geology (with B.R.
Hacker, R. Bilham). ICS# 399-117TC
Jamieson H. Steidl
The SCEC Phase III Strong-motion Database, Bulletin of the Seismological
Society of America (with Y. Lee). ICS# 0369-110EQ
Toshiro Tanimoto
Mantle Dynamics and Seismic Tomography, Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences (with T. Lay). ICS# 385-104TC
C.Y. Wang
Ultra-high pressure (27kb) Dabie Shan orogenic belt: Two-dimensional
velocity structure from seismic refraction data, Journal of Geophysical
Research (with R.S. Zeng, W.D. Mooney, B.R. Hacker). ICS#
Articles-Contributed (In Press)
Ralph J. Archuleta
Hysteretic and dilatant behavior of soils
and their effects on nonlinear site response: field data observations
and a scenario for the Garner Valley Downhole Array, Workshop on
the Engineering Characterization of Seismic Input, Nov. 15-17, 1999,
Upton, NY (with L.F. Bonilla, D. Lavallee). ICS# 0358-101EQ
Luis F. Bonilla
A Simple Model to Study the Effects of Hysteresis and Dilatant Behavior
of Soils in Nonlinear Site Response, 6 International Conference on
Seismic Zonation, Palm Springs, November 2000 (with D. Lavallee,
R.J. Archuleta). ICS# 0365-108EQ
Luis F. Bonilla
Borehole Response of the Garner Valley Downhole Array, Southern
California, 6 International Conference on Seismic Zonation, Palm
Springs, November 2000 (with J.H. Steidl, J.C. Gariel, R.J. Archuleta).
ICS# 0364-107EQ
J.C. Schmid
How did the foreland react? Yangtze foreland fold-thrust belt deformation
related to exhumation of the Dabie Shan ultrahigh-pressure continental
crust (eastern China), Terra Nova (with L. Ratschbacher, B.R.
Hacker, I. Gaitzsch, S. Dong). ICS# 392-110TC
Toshiro Tanimoto
Incessant free oscillations of the Earth, McGraw-Hill 2001 Yearbook
of Science and Technology. ICS# 384-121EQ
L.E. Webb
Kinematics of exhumation of high and ultrahigh-pressure rocks in
the Hongan and Tongbai Shan of the Qinling-Dabie collisional orogen,
eastern China, Geological Society of America Special Paper (with
L. Ratschbacher, B.R. Hacker, S. Dong). ICS# 390-108TC
D. Zhou
Paleozoic tectonic amalgamation of the Chinese Tian Shan: Evidence
from a transect along the Dushanzi-Kuqa Highway, Geological Society
of America Special Paper (with S.A. Graham, E.Z. Chang, B. Wang,
B.R. Hacker). ICS# 391-109TC
Book/Book Chapter (In Press)
Toshiro Tanimoto
"Principles of Seismology" by A. Udias and "Introduction
to Seismology" by P.M. Shearer, Physics Today. ICS# 386-122EQ
Articles-Refereed (Submitted)
A.E. El-Shazly
Formation and Exhumation of Blueschists and Eclogites from NE Oman:
New Constraints from Rb-Sr and 40Ar/39Ar dating (with M.S. Broecker,
B.R. Hacker, A.T. Calvert). ICS# 400-118TC
T.J. Fagan
Timing of ophiolite construction and emplacement into a continental
orogen; An example from the northern Sierra Nevada, California, USA,
Geological Society of America Bulletin (with H.W. Day, B.R.
Hacker). ICS# 398-116TC
Rhea J. Hamilton
Cenozoic Tectonics of the Cape Roberts Rift Basin, and Transantarctic
Mountains Front, Southwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica, Tectonics
(with B.P. Luyendyk, C.C. Sorlien, L.R. Bartek). ICS# 413-131TC
Bruce P. Luyendyk
Structural and tectonic evolution of the Ross Sea rift in the Cape
colbeck region, Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica, Tectonics (with
C.C. Sorlien, D. Wilson, L. Bartek, G. Ely, C.H. Siddoway, K. Zellmer).
ICS# 412-130TC
S. Peyrat
Dynamic modeling of the 1992 Landers earthquake, Journal of Geophysical
Research (with R. Madariaga, K. Olsen). ICS# 0362-105EQ
N.M. Shapiro
Origin of extended ground motion duration in the Valley of Mexico
for subduction zone earthquakes, Bulletin of Seismological Society
of America (with K.B. Olsen, S.K. Singh). ICS# 0361-104EQ
Toshiro Tanimoto
Continuous Free Oscillaitons: Atmospheric-Solid Earth Coupling,
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences. ICS# 0367-100TC
Book/Book Chapter (Submitted)
Ralph J. Archuleta
New Observations and Methods for Modeling
Nonlinear Site Response, International conference on Recent Advances
in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, March 26-31,
2001 Conference Proceedings of the Fourth RAGEESD (with D. Lavallee,
L.F. Bonilla). ICS# 0368-109EQ
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