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Other Projects and ActivitiesSeminarsUCSBOctober 20, 1999 February 7, 2000 March 22, 2000 Off Campus-Invited LecturesSeptember 21, 1999 November 10, 1999 Research Experience for GraduatesFourteen graduate students are involved in research administered through ICS. These students are involved in field research both locally and internationally. Many have presented their research with talks or posters at professional meetings: e.g., American Geophysical Union, Geological Society of America, Seismological Society of America, annual Southern California Earthquake Center. In addition to the abstracts presented, ICS graduate students are also involved as co-authors on articles in referred journals. Rob Meyer spent three months last winter in the Antarctic working on using apatite fission-track and paleomagnetic methods to determine the location of range-bounding faults in the southern and central Ford Ranges of Marie Byrd Land. Kurt Knipmeyer is working the behavior and properties of sheared concentrated suspensions of hard-sphere particles in a Newtonian fluid. The flow properties of systems near the concentration at which viscosity diverges will be investigated with a specific focus on the phenomenon of jamming. Anthony Foglia is working on a project in which he will use a new "rate-and-state" theory of plastic deformation to study seismic wave propagation through compacted soils. This new theory has been developed over the last several years by Langer and coworkers for the study of deformation and fracture in amorphous solids. David Root is working with Brad Hacker on the "Exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure rocks in the Scandinavian Caledonides" and "Phase transformations and their effects on the thermal, petrological, and seismological structure of subducting oceanic lithosphere." Research Experience for UndergraduatesSCEC sponsored summer internships for two undergraduates: Marie C. Ammerman and Tracy Pattelena under the mentorship of Drs. Archuleta and Olsen, respectively. Each produced reports and presented their results at the SCEC annual meeting. Marie Ammermans project entitled; "Inconclusive Evidence for Fault Zone Trapped Waves on the Bullion Fault" included analyzing data from aftershocks recorded by stations in the Bullion Wash Array. Tracy Pattelena studied the "Refinement of Near-Surface P and S Wave Velocities in the SCEC 3-D Velocity Model Using 3-D Wave form Modeling". Tracy Pattelenas research focused on the ground motion in a portion of the San Fernando Valley (SFV) where control on the near-surface S wave velocity, a critical parameter for accurate prediction of strong ground motion, is mostly indirect and in many areas not well constrained. This year undergraduates had the unique opportunity of participating in both Active and Passive Stages of LARSE II experiment, which took place in September, and October of 1999. The occurrence of the October of 1999 Hector Mines Bullion Wash Earthquake provided hands on experience in field deployment after an actual earthquake. One example was the challenge of gaining access to earthquake sites, setting up and maintaining the site according to the guidelines of the site owners without the benefit of months or years or preparation. Elizabeth Cochran, Carrie Glavich and Jon Schuller presented a poster at the SCEC 99 Annual Meeting. The poster represented a summary of activities for 1999/2000 of the Portable Broadband Instrument Center (PBIC) located at UCSB/ICS. The PBIC provided seismic recording equipment to nine different research experiments over the past year as well as substantial field assistance on several of the larger projects including the active phase of LARSE 2 and the Hector Mines deployment. The PBIC has completed the basic timing corrections and preliminary event associations of the Hector Mines data. Further processing steps are underway and new data sets will be available. This preliminary data set is available via the web at http://www.crustal.ucsb.edu/scec/hectormines. The Santa Barbara Array, delayed by the Hector Mines deployment and subsequent experiments, now has nine operational stations. Public Service ActivitiesThe PressNicholson was interviewed by television and newspaper reporters regarding the seventy-fifth anniversary of the 1925 Santa Barbara earthquake. Archuleta has also given many interviews this year to the press about earthquake activity around the world. He also submitted an editorial in the Santa Barbara Newpress on January, 23,2000 titled "Early detection theory unreliable for quake warning" regarding the use of animals for the prediction of earthquakes. Senior Elizabeth Cochran won the National Science Foundation
fellowship to do graduate work at UCLA. "She is one of only two students
at UCSB and 850 students nationwide to pick up the fellowship."*
This a substantial achievement and exemplary of all her work with the
Southern California Earthquake Centers Portable Broad Band Instruments
Center located at the Institute for Crustal Studies and the outreach activities
she has participated in. SchoolsMay 15, 2000 May 12, 2000 The PublicNovember 12-13, 1999 November 13, 1999 April 22, 2000 May, 2000 MiscellaneousThe ICS web page http://www.crustal.ucsb.edu/ics/understanding has been included the book, "Finding Homework Help on the Internet" by Marianne Dyson. The book is targeted for children in fourth grade and up and will be distributed by Scholastics School Book Clubs as well as retail book stores. Home Page || E-mail |