"Site Amplification in the San Fernando Valley from Weak- and Strong-Motion
Data" 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (with Jamison
H. Steidl, Alexei G. Tumarkin)(ICS Contribution #0237-50EQ)
"Site Amplification in the San Fernando Valley, CA: Variability of site effect
estimation using the S-wave, coda, and H/V methods. "Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America (with Jamison H. Steidl, Grant T.
Lindley, Alexei G. Tumarkin, Ralph J. Archuleta)(ICS Contribution
"Coast Range ophiolite as paleoequatorial mid-ocean lithosphere" GSA Today
(ICS Contribution #0244-63TC)
"Seismic Mapping of the North Channel Fault near Santa Barbara, CA" Southern
California Earthquake Center, 1995 Annual Report (with Marc J.
Kamerling, Bruce P. Luyendyk)(ICS Contribution #0250-66TC)
"The Oak Ridge fault and fold system, eastern Santa Barbara Channel,
California" Southern California Earthquake Center, 1995 Annual Report
(with Craig Nicholson)(ICS Contribution #0249-65TC)
"Attenuation of Lg Waves Across the Contiguous United States: Data from the
National Seismograph Network and Cooperating Stations" Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America (ICS Contribution #0243-54EQ)
"Cretaceous extension and rifting of east Gondwana caused by subducted slab
capture not ridge collision" 7th Antarctic Earth Sciences Symposium
Proceedings (ICS Contribution #0231-60TC)
"Site Response in the Los Angeles Basin From Three-Dimensional Simulations of
Ground Motion" Proceedings of the International Workshop on Site Response
subjected to Strong Earthquake Motions, January 16-17, 1996, Port and Harbour
Research Institute, Yokosuka, Japan 220-235 (with R. J.
Archuleta)(ICS Contribution #0238-51EQ)
"Three Dimensional Simulation of a Magnitude 7.75 Earthquake on the San Andreas
Fault" Science (with Ralph J. Archuleta, Joseph R. Matarese)(ICS
Contribution #0233-48EQ)
"3-D Simulation of Earthquakes on the Los Angeles Fault System" Bulletin of
the Seismological Society of America (with Ralph J. Archuleta)(ICS
Contribution #0236-49EQ)
Recommendations to Improve the Cleanup Process for California's Leaking
Underground Fuel Tanks (LUFTs) Submitted to the California State Water
Resources Control Board and the Senate Bill 1764 Leaking Underground Fuel Tank
Advisory Committee (with Stephen J. Cullen, Lorne G. Everett, Brendon P.
Dooher, William E. Kastenberg, Randolph D. Grose)(ICS Contribution
"Late Cenozoic Structure and Tectonics of the Northern Mojave Desert" Tectonics
(with B.P. Luyendyk, S. Cisowski)(ICS Contribution #0235-61TC)
"Listric thrusts in the western Transverse Ranges, California" Geologic
Society of America (with C. C. Sorlien)(ICS Contribution
"H2O-CO2 Contents of Cordierite in Migmatites of the Fosdick Mountains, Marie
Byrd Land" Terra Antarctica (ICS Contribution #0239-39CM)
"Migmatites of the Alexandra Mountains, West Antarctica: Pressure-Temperature
Conditions of Formation and Regional Context" Geologisches Jahrbuch (ICS
Contribution #0208-37CM)
"What is a Reference Site?" Bulletin of the Seismological Society of
America (with Alexei G. Tumarkin, Ralph J. Archuleta)(ICS
Contribution #0197-47EQ)
"Seismic Hazard in the San Fernando Basin, Los Angeles, CA: A site effects
study using weak-motion and strong-motion data" Proceedings of the Fifth
International Conference on Seismic Zonation, October 17-19, 1995, Nice,
France (with Fabian Bonilla, Alexei G. Tumarkin)(ICS Contribution
"Snake River, Wyoming, crossing with the Leica NA-3000 digital level" Survey
Reviews (ICS Contribution #0240-62TC)
"Preseismic Tilt and Triggered Reverse Faulting Due to Unloading in a Diatomite
Quarry near Lompoc, California" Seismologic Research Letters (with
Jane Heinemann)(ICS Contribution #0241-52EQ)
Snake River, Wyoming, Crossing with the Leica NA-3000 Digital Level Survey
Reviews (ICS Contribution #0198-51TC)
"Using Small Earthquakes to Estimate Large Ground Motions" Proceedings of
the Fifth International Conference on Seismic Zonation: Nice, France, October
17-19, 1995 (with Ralph J. Archuleta)(ICS Contribution #0248-57EQ)
"Constraints on late Cenozoic rift shoulder uplift from landscape evolution
studies in the Ross Embayment" NSF-OPP workshop report: The Transantarctic
Mountains and the West Antarctic Rift; April 20-22, 1994, Estes Park, CO
(with A.L.L.M. Verbers, C.H. Smith, B.P. Luyendyk)(ICS Contribution